Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The book will also be of interest to any teachers with students from linguistically diverse backgrounds.

'... like companion volumes in the Cambridge Applied Linguistics series, it is readable without over-simplifying detailed arguments ... One of the aspects I particularly like in this book is the frequent and explicit references to learners and their teachers in specific situations. This ensures accessibility of the information to both the academic and to the classroom teacher, for whom much of the information will be of great use.' VATME Newsletter No 71, 1997

Product Description
This book provides an introduction to the field of sociolinguistics for second and foreign language teachers. Chapters cover the basic areas of sociolinguistics that have a bearing on language teaching, including regional and social variations in dialects, language and gender, World Englishes, and intercultural communication. Each chapter has been specially written for this collection by an individual who has done extensive research on the topic explored. For each topic there is an overview of central terms and issues, and a discussion of implications for the language classroom. This is the first introductory text to address explicitly the pedagogical implications of current theory and research in sociolinguistics. The book will also be of interest to any teachers with students from linguistically diverse backgrounds. educational linguistics, sociolinguistic transfer, ethnographic microanalysis, language strategists, discourse completion task, verbal report interviews, speech act behavior, situated inferences, language learning motivation, societal multilingualism, speech act set, intercultural miscommunication, interactional sociolinguistics, interactional sociolinguists, contextualization cues, speech act studies, sociolinguistic conventions, language planning, indirect complaints, contextual presuppositions, code mixing, verbal genres, semantic formulas, white vernaculars, literacy traditionsNew York, United States, Cambridge University Press, World Englishes, Newbury House, Oxford University Press, University of California, Academic Press, Department of Linguistics, John Benjamins, Georgetown University Press, American English, Basil Blackwell, Sandra Lee, Outer Circle, Puerto Rican, Los Angeles, Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, Inner Circle, Multilingual Matters, The Hague, Birch Moonwomon, Muriel Saville-Troike, Ann Arbor, University of Pennsylvania Press

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